JT. Lauritsen & the Buckshot Hunters
De spiller en herlig blanding av Blues, soul og rock’n’roll krydret med en dash zydeco og tex-mex, noe som gjør at fleste har vondt for å holde rockefoten i ro under deres konserter.Bandet har turnert over hele Skandinavia og Europa i tillegg så fjerne steder som USA , Australia, Svalbard, og blitt like godt mottatt overalt!
JT for short) is 46 years old living in Lillestrom, Norway. He began playing at the early age of 6 and pretty much immediately got interested in the Blues and related music after first hearing BB King, blues pianist Charles Brown and the legendary Ray Charles.
JT had his first paying gig at the age of 14, which resulted in a steady flow of jobs for him on the organ – an instrument he stayed with for many years. J.T. was searching for his own style on the instrument when he had to admit that a B3 Hammond organ was too heavy to drag around from gig to gig – so he compromised by taking up the accordion. Eventually, his blues harp began accompanying him wherever he went and became a new sound in J.T.’s music. Since 1989, both accordion and blues harp have been his trademark instruments. In 1991, he started Buckshot Blues Band with the now well known guitarist, Vidar Busk,
In 1995, The Buckshot Hunters released their first CD (“Buckshot Hunters”), an album that received solid reviews across the board. The band toured continuously. The album sold over 2500 units (a very respectable number in Norway) and laid the foundation for the their next release, “My Kind of Blues”. “My Kind of Blues” was released in the fall of 1999 on their own label, Hunter Records and is distributed through BMG Norway. Musical contributors to the CD are many and noteworthy (if you know the Norwegian music scene)
“My Kind of Blues” includes mostly original material as well cover songs by songwriters that have in one-way or another influenced J.T. On album number three, “Make a Better World”, which was released in 2001, J.T. gave it a sound with a rawer, hard edge that swings from the rafters – the result has gleaned fantastic reviews from the music press as his and the bands’ live performances.
With the release of 2004 album, “Perfect Moves”, J.T. describes his music as blues, soul & rock`n Roll with a small taste of Tex Mex music. – Where now 90% of the material is created by JT himself and lyrics by JT’s guitarist since 1994; Arnfinn Torrisen.
2007 The new album Squeezeboxing is now in stores and reviews will be listet soon. This album is recorded in Severn records studio in Maryland and with guest player Steve Gomes on bass,Robb Stubka on drums and Benjie Porecki on Hammond B3 and Wurlitzer
Then the band was relese a new album LIVE in October 2009
In 2013 we are happy to celebrate a new studio album who is been worked on since May 12-2012. We recorded the first session in Memphis at Ardent Studio with local Blues musician players and friends like Billy Gibson, Victor Wainwright, Leo Geoff, Josh Roberts CC kr 100,- for medlemmer CC kr 200,- for ikke medlemmer